Thursday, October 27, 2016

Support STEM

Support Interest in STEM Careers by Supporting Robotics

In earlier blog posts, I wrote about my passion for Robotics in general and specially FIRST LEGO League (FLL). Being a FLL coach was rewarding to me and memorable for students on my team.

This year’s FLL challenge is called Animal Allies. In addition to building and programming robots, teams will do a research project about how humans help animals and vice versa. At the culmination of the project, the team needs to propose an innovative solution to a human or animal real-life problem of their choosing. Our team is made up of fourth and fifth graders at Hawthorne Elementary in Middle River, Maryland.  If you have a background in human/animal interaction, our team would love to gain insight from you through a visit or skype session.  Please contact me at

Dean Kamen, FIRST founder states, “FIRST gives kids the opportunity to develop the muscle between their ears; to gain experience that will directly affect their future and our future as well.” If this resonates with you as well, consider getting involved by starting a team, volunteering at a tournament, or helping in other ways.

To learn more about FIRST, visit

To learn more about participating as a volunteer:
    if you are in Maryland,
          visit Maryland FIRST Call for Volunteers
          visit Information on Volunteering for FIRST worldwide.

To learn more about supporting FIRST financially:
      visit Ways to Give.